Emanuel County Schools Mission
The mission of ECS is to prepare and inspire all students for college and career success through personalized learning and relevant experiences.
Superintendent Welcome
View a monthly Calendar that includes events for each school.
Federal Programs
The intent of Federal Programs is to “help all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state and academic standards and assessments.” Our Federal Programs also strive to “enable schools to provide opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged children to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the challenging State content standards and to meet the challenging State performance standards developed for all children.” Federal Programs “supplements” and not supplants what the required Local and State funds provide.
School Nutrition
Learn more about our School Nutrition and Fitness and View the School Lunch and Breakfast Menus
Facility Planning and E-SPLOST
An E-SPLOST is a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) for education and includes a one-cent sales tax on all retail purchases. This means that everyone who makes a purchase in the Emanuel County Schools District (including visitors) contributes to the support of local schools. By law, an E-SPLOST can only be used for certain capital projects, such as buildings, furnishings, computers, and buses. SPLOST funds cannot be used for the day-to-day operational expenses of a school district.
Looking for a school district that inspires students to excel and teachers to create motivational learning opportunities? We'd love to hear from you. Our District strongly encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.
What's Happening
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By the Numbers
Accredited Schools
Number of students in Emanuel County Schools
Teacher Retention
Schools have 1:1 Technology
Classrooms have wireless access to the internet.